About Douglas Drive

Douglas Drive is a Day Centre for Senior Citizens from Stevenage and surrounding villages.

Our aim is to enrich the social lives of Senior Citizens and help to prevent isolation by meeting people in similar situations.

At present we provide 3 Day Care groups, these include two sessions of general day care and one session specifically for Stroke Survivors and also people living with Parkinson’s Disease, MS and similar conditions. Activities suitable for each group are organised and delivered by our activities co-ordinator assisted by our volunteers.

A two course meal cooked at the centre is provided daily for a nominal charge as part of the Day Care session.

The centre is run by a voluntary management committee and 5 part-time staff.

We also have many regular volunteers who give their time to help keep the centre running.

Although the centre is managed by the committee the building is owned by Stevenage Borough Council. Funding from the Community Wellbeing Team helps towards paying the running costs of the centre.

New clients are always welcome!